
FDI Process & Business Structures

What are the different forms of foreign investment in Nepal? There are different form of foreign …

What is the process to be followed to obtain approval from Central Bank of Nepal for …

What are the requirement to be followed for industry registration, company registration and tax registration after …

What is the process and requirement to be followed for foreign investment in an existing industry …

What are the procedures to be followed to obtain approval from DOI? The requirements depend on …

If we are investing in Nepal together with local partner, is it possible for us to …

What is the minimum capital requirement to register a company in Nepal? Private limited companies do …

What are the requirements to register a company for foreign investor in Nepal? Office of the …

Are we as investor required to disclose the source of our investment to Nepalese authorities for …

Information that we submit to Nepalese authority can be private or commercially sensitive. Is there any …

What is the normal time frame for setting up a business in Nepal by a foreign …

What are the practical issues that a foreign investor should consider in alternatives relating to service …

Are there any restrictions on foreign investment in Nepal? There are certain sectors where foreign investment …

What is the requirement for loan investment in an existing Nepalese Industry? If an existing Nepalese …


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