My company registration application in Company Registrar office of Nepal has been declined. Can registration be refused?
There are certain conditions outlined below when Company Registrar office can refuse registration of a company.
- Identical or Misleading Name– You cannot register a company with a name that resembles a company that was previously registered or is misleading.
- Inappropriate Name– You cannot register a company if the name or object of the proposed company is contrary to the prevailing law or appears to be improper or undesirable in view of public interest, morality, decency, etiquette, etc. or reflects motive of a criminal act.
c. Similarly, if the name of the company is identical to a company struck off from register or resembles in a way that it is misleading, unless a period of 5 years is not elapsed after such registration cancellation. - There are also other registration requirements to be met and process to be followed, else application can be refused. The procedure now requires online application for name confirmation, and once name is confirmed /approved by CRO within 35 days other documents need to be uploaded. There are additional regulations for specific companies, industries, such as banking, insurance tourism based industries etc. and operating license will be required from the respective regulatory body to operate business in those sector. The requirements is covered in other sections of this site.